Automatic training reminders

It’s not only essential but a legal requirement that everything in your business is up to date, from your staffs training to the gear they use. Its sometimes hard to remember what needs updating, let alone when. That's why it’s important to be reminded of what's coming up and when tasks need to be completed.

Watch the video (1:02)

Know your gear is in check!

Ever thought “Oh yeah, i should really get around to renewing my license” and the moment you get pulled over realise you didn't do it? With PeopleSafes email Alerts you will get reminded of tasks that are due so all of your team and gear is up to date with training and checks!

PeopleSafe makes sure that you are aware when something is about to expire or needs checking by sending you email reminders, so there is no more “oops i forgots.”. By never forgetting another training session or gear check, you can be rest assured that all of your team are equipped with up to date skills for the jobs they are doing and the gear they are using is safe.

Why we do it this way?

PeopleSafe think it’s essential that you know what’s happening in your business whether it’s a reminder that your staff need training, your gear needs to be checked. If you have an up and coming task, we will let you know 30 days in advance so you have enough time to get it organised, but not too much time that you pop it in the “we’ve got plenty of time” folder and forget about it.

At a glance

  • Email alerts and reminders
  • Things are always up to date
  • Tasks can't be forgotten