Gear records

Having a record of all your gear and equipment not only means that you have a good list for insurance, it means that you can tell if the gear is certified and when it needs to be checked next. This means that you and your staff are using gear that’s safe.

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Know your gear is in check!

Keeping good records of what gear you have has never been an easy task, let alone making sure it has gear checks and is safe to use. It is often when gear causes an accident or breaks that we realise that the check had expired or someone else knew that something wasn’t quite right with it but had nowhere to record it. This is a real problem as it creates unnecessary hazards and can slow our productivity down.

A whole section of PeopleSafe is focused on gear. You can add in all the gear that you have and use, attaching important information and notes like warranties and manuals. You can also set what we call ‘gear checks’. Gear checks are check that you can put in place as reminders like a yearly service or monthly maintenance check. PeopleSafe lets you know when these checks need to happen and if anything has expired.

Why we do it this way?

We take the everything in one place approach with gear, Other systems only worry about the checks side of things but with PeopleSafe all the information can be there so that a staff member can log in and find out anything from when it was last checked, to how to use it, and to any note people may have added about it.

At a glance

  • Gear checks
  • List for insurance
  • Keep track of everything