Keep All Your Safety Stuff In One Place

Are you the kind of person who is super busy but you still like to make time to check that everything's in order?

Then you'll know that by having all your Health & Safety stuff in one place where it's easy to find means you won't be wasting time looking for all that important information.

You'll have quick access to all your Health & Safety stuff when you put it in PeopleSafe, anywhere and anytime. And if accident should ever happen, you'll have proof and a record of it so you can stop it from happening again.

PeopleSafe keeps all your safety stuff in one place

Spending time looking all over the place for information is a waste of time. PeopleSafe brings everything together so that it's easy to find, anytime and anywhere you are. It means that you can focus on the work you do, having the safety stuff help you rather than hold you back.

Great benefits for you

  1. 24/7 access
    Access anytime and anywhere you need it
  2. Save time and money
    No more wasted time looking for stuff
  3. Secure and backed up
    All your information is secure and backed up on a regular basis
  4. Evidence you're doing something
    Proof and a record of when things go wrong

Keep track of everything that goes on

The PeopleSafe software holds all your Health & Safety stuff together. It keeps track of everything including all your accident/incident reporting, staff information and training records, the plans you have around risks and how you manage them, records of the gear you use and proof that they're safe. It's all stored in the PeopleSafe Cloud server giving you 24/7 access from any desktop computer, tablet or smart phone.

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